Blog,  Personal Story

Get to Know Kat Clayton

I’m originally from Kentucky, born and raised in the foothills of the Appalachians. I attended college at Eastern Kentucky University and earned a degree in Political Science. When I graduated I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do, but all roads led to Florida. I almost made it there (20 miles short), but I met my husband, a Georgia boy, my senior year of college.

I toyed with the idea of Graduate school or law school, but ultimately decided I had too many different interests to be willing to peg myself in a hole (or the student debt), only to end up changing my mind. I knew from my experience (and the anxiety) of choosing a major in college, that it probably wasn’t the best idea for me to continue on with graduate school (started college as Public Relations major, jumped to Psychology, then to Journalism, back to Public Relations then settled on Political Science).

Crazy thing is, the fact that my career path has never been linear, has allowed me try a lot of different things and chase a lot of my passions. I’ve written a Young Adult mystery series (The Kings of Charleston), ran a food blog (I’m a passionate cook) and did some food videos. I’ve worked for a grassroots lobbying group helping individuals write to their state representatives, and worked in retail (bless you all, because you don’t get enough credit!) I’ve worked as a Community Coordinator for a local non-profit, and spent the last 14 years as an Immigration Paralegal. I’ve worked part-time since 2017, so I can spend more time with our young daughters and now I have more time to help work on the farm.

Book 1 of The Kings of Charleston Series
Meeting Julianne Moore at the 2013 BookExpo in NYC after writing The Kings of Charleston
Filming for Clayton Family Kitchen Food Blog

And while I don’t consider this part of my “career path” I’ve found a serious love for throwing parties and inviting a bunch of friends over to enjoy food and conversation. Something this introvert never imagined being fond of (the famous Clayton Christmas party will definitely be back once we’re living on the farm).

One of our first Christmas Parties
Kentucky Derby Party

I don’t regret any of my careers and experience. I’ve loved the freedom to explore my interests. While sometimes not having a definitive direction can be a little dangerous, it’s allowed me to pursue something new, without worrying about all that time I wasted in school. I also believe that every path I’ve taken has honed different skills that I’ve used in the next chapter of my life.

Of course there are things I would like to do, but probably will never get a chance to do, but that’s okay. While in college, once I settled on Political Science my goal wasn’t law school right away. I wanted to attend the Patterson School of Diplomacy at the University of Kentucky. I envisioned myself working for a U.S. Embassy, and maybe even becoming an Ambassador.

I LOVED all of my Political Science classes, which were heavily centered on international affairs and governments. In fact, I only took the bare minimum required U.S. Government classes. At the time I could tell you more about Brazil or Germany’s government than my own. While I never made it to the school of Diplomacy, because at the time I felt like that path meant having to give up having a family. I know that sounds ridiculous now, but I can still remember that definitive moment of thinking I had to choose one or the other. If I had met my husband at that point in my life, he would have pushed me to follow that dream and eagerly went with me to whatever embassy in the world it lead me to.

While that didn’t happen, I don’t regret my path one bit. It’s lead me to places I never expected, and given me so much more than I could have imagined, especially two very precious and precocious daughters.

Did I ever think I would be starting a farm from scratch? Ha, no. But as I stare at that blank canvas of land, my creative wheels are turning and I’m excited about this next chapter and the new and old skill sets I can put to use. Was this where all those years of wandering was leading me? Maybe, only time will tell.

Cheers! Let’s go on a new adventure!

Salut! C’est parti pour une nouvelle aventure!


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